Push It!

Teams compete in skill tests, physical challenges and brainteasers to win!

1 - 2 hours
20 - 200


Push It! is a high energy, interactive, indoor tablet challenge which can be customised to deliver your key messages in a memorable way. Each team receives a number of tablets per table, controlled from a centralised platform. The MC introduces the game and acting as quiz master controls the pace of the activity managing everything wirelessly. A simple push of his button, and the next challenge appears simultaneously on every tablet. Teams participate in skill tests, physical challenges and brainteasers which are customised to reinforce product knowledge and generate playful interaction. Choose from a selection of highly adaptable, fully personalised and well-scripted activities to turn your groups into teams!

Learning Outcomes

Designed with meticulous attention to detail, Push It! is a unique tablet based quiz with has an engaging, user-friendly interface which encourages maximum involvement. Push It! can be customised to reinforce product knowledge, brand awareness or your uniquely desired learning outcomes. It energises a conference, motivating and enthusing delegates as it unifies the group creating lasting shared experience. Push It! is a totally immersive, high-tech, table top teambuilding experience that works equally well as a daytime conference energiser or evening entertainment.

Related Testimonial

Push it is a highly adaptable, innovative program that was modified to suit our desired outcomes. Besides being a joy to work with, UNIVERSUM - Catalyst Romania was able to present creative ideas and had successfully developed and implement them during our event.

Luiza Toma
Danone Romania

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