Two Tribes

Teams dress up in tribal regalia and compete in an indigenous games Olympiad

2 - 4 hours
Competitive / Collaborative
20 - Unlimited


To begin, your entire group forms two opposing tribes, one red and one blue. Each tribe then creates an equal number of smaller sub teams. The action kicks off with a ‘warm up’ where teams create their own bespoke tribal regalia. Dressed to impress, each team then rotates through a circuit of ‘quests’, competing head to head with teams from the opposing tribe. Points accumulated by the teams contribute to their tribe’s total score. Strategy is key to success - the rules enable teams to play to their strengths, resting chosen players during some challenges in order to reserve strength for their preferred quests.

In the closing ceremony the red and blue tribes face off for a final Haka showdown. The highest performing team from each quest and the overall winning tribe are announced. The Two Tribes are united and celebrate their many achievements.

Learning Outcomes

Participants are introduced to unusual traditional sports in a way that encourages participation, inclusion and mutual respect. Everyone has an opportunity to get involved and contribute to team and tribal success – there are roles for everybody. Designed to set the pulse racing, this healthy experience develops team dynamics while having fun! Strategy is key to success as the rules enable teams to play to their strengths, resting chosen players during some challenges in order to reserve strength for their preferred quests.

Designed to encourage people of all physical abilities to participate in a fun and supportive environment. This healthy teambuilding activity is all about integrity, inclusion and mutual respect. The unique format of Two Tribes creates a level playing field, introducing participants to traditional sports, which they may not otherwise experience.

Related Testimonial

This cleverly crafted activity had active and involved. It promoted team work and healthy competition creating a strong comradere and lasting friendships.


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